

Isn't it amazing how people change? In my life, I've seen considerable change for the better. From the moment I gave my life to Christ when I was 8 years old in Children's Church those many years ago, to where I am now, great change has occurred. Sure, there have been moments of relapse to where I was saying and doing things that weren't the things you'd imagine a Christian would say or do. But I've learned that those things are the old me. And as a result of being a son of God, the old me is dead and gone...and every day that I don't reinforce that death is an opportunity for the old me to zombiefy!

As I've changed, my view of God has changed. And as my view of God has changed, I've changed even more. God is a loving Father who cares immensely for His children. He doesn't use sickness or disease to teach us something any more than an earthly father would discipline his child by breaking his leg. He doesn't dismiss us from the family if we make a single mistake or even if we go our own way and spend all we have on horrible decisions and regretful mistakes. See the father's response when the Prodigal Son came running home. He didn't shun the son, but rather welcomed him with open arms, the family signet and a kickin' party! How could we picture God in an opposite manner? If Karis were to ever run away from home (which she will not!), I would not only want her to come back, I'd go searching for her until I found her. This IS the God we serve! Jesus said, "I came to seek and save the lost." (Luke 19:10)

Not only have I changed, but my future has changed as a result. And the good news? Yours can too. Perhaps your view of God needs a little shifting. Maybe you could stand some change in your Viewmaster. Click the orange handle and get a change of scenery. The heart of the Father towards His children is unconditional love, unlimited grace and unending provision. Once you see Him that way, the way you see yourself will change as well.

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