
.shockwave challenge - day 29

Karis and I were at the park today and I met a couple and invited them to church.  The lady said she had been to the church a few years ago and had heard me preach before!  Ha!  I didn't assume she was a Christian and asked her the million dollar question anyway.  When asked if she knew she would go to heaven, she said, "Let me put it this way, I believe in God."  So I asked if she believed in Jesus and the resurrection.  She said yes and so I continued with the road to salvation script and shared Romans 10:9.  I asked if they had ever prayed a prayer to confess Jesus as Lord and she said no and then looked at her boyfriend and asked if he had.  He never had either, so I led them both in the prayer of salvation right there!  I know that if she had heard me preach before, I gave an invitation to accept Christ.  But some people won't respond to any altar call.  That's why it's all the more important to be willing to ask people one-on-one about their eternity.

On another note, we had a "bug guy" come out on Thursday and spray our house for German cockroaches.  Yuck!  He wasn't our usual rep and after talking with him for a while, Kristen found out that his kids had been to the church because they live very close as well.  During their conversation, she figured that he was already a Christian.  Well, she had to leave for an appointment but after she left, she texted me to ask him the question before he left to make sure.  I didn't get her text before he left but I prayed with him about his job and I felt really convicted about not asking him the question.  I prayed and asked God for another opportunity to share with him.  Tonight, I got my chance!  As I was walking home from the park, I saw his kids out in the yard playing.  So, Karis and I walked over and started talking to them.  The guy came out of the house and invited me inside the fence.  After we spent some time talking, we had to leave and he walked us out.  Before we left, I asked him the question and sure enough, he was already a believer!  However, he did say that they hadn't been to any church in a while and that they'd see us Sunday!  Needless to say, my conscience was eased and I thanked God for answering my prayer and giving me another shot to share the gospel!  By the way, the roaches are gone, too!

In four weeks of sharing the gospel with at least one person a day, I've had the privilege of leading 36 people to Christ.  What kind of impact can you have if you'll give God just a few minutes of your day to work with Him in seeking and saving the lost.  Are you seeking people out or are you content to live in your little bubble of selfishness?  There's still time today to complete the challenge.  Go seek out someone that Jesus wants to save!

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