
.shockwave challenge - day 39

Kristen and I were on our way to lunch and I had to stop by the gas station to fuel up.  I gave the lady across the pump an invitation card and asked her the million dollar question.  She said she knew she'd go to heaven when she died and then I asked her how she knew.  Before she sped away, she said, "Because I'm saved!"  

I now know more about Christ's mission to "seek and save the lost" than I did 39 days ago. (see Luke 19:10)  I have prayed with 39 people to be saved in 39 days and today I wasn't satisfied in my brief encounter with another believer, so I looked around for someone else to talk to.  I saw the store manager standing outside taking a break, so I pulled the car into a parking space and hopped out to talk to her.  After talking with her for a few minutes, I discovered that she, too, was a believer.  I left knowing that I had encouraged her in her faith, but all the while I'm thinking about that lost man or woman that I didn't get to talk to.  Now I'm praying for more opportunities than ever and that God would lead me to people who need His grace and power working in their lives!

Who are you seeking and saving today?  Keep your eyes peeled for opportunities to talk to the person across from you at the gas station or in front of you in the line at the grocery store or WHEREVER you go!

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