
.shockwave challenge - day 43

While we were at church this morning, I saw one of the people I met at Wal-Mart and invited to church.  I've invited a number of people to church over the past six weeks and I'm excited that one person finally came!  I hope she continues to come and gets plugged in because it's life and death where you go to church.  Make sure you're in a Bible-believing church that preaches about salvation through Jesus Christ and presents an image of God as portrayed in the Bible as a loving Father who wants the best for His children.

After church today, we went out to Chili's for lunch and while we were waiting for our table, I stepped outside to talk to a guy I saw taking a smoke break.  I invited him to church and offered to pray with him.  He said he could use prayer for a new position at his job that he wanted.  I told him we'd pray about that later, but first I wanted to ask him an important question - the million dollar question!  He said he knew he'd go to heaven when he died and I learned after he said he believed the right things that what he believed about getting to heaven was actually right!  He had confessed Jesus as His savior when he was a child and even though he wasn't doing what he thought was right at this time in his life, he knew he was going to heaven because of Christ.  I was encouraged about his answer and began to talk to him more about his life.  I then ministered to him and prayed with him about his job.

What about you?  Can you invite someone to church and then use that opportunity to investigate into their eternal destination?  It's so simple that you've probably psyched yourself out of doing it too many times over nothing.  Just be yourself and allow God to show Himself through your words and actions!

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