
.shockwave challenge - day 46

Karis came to church with Kristen this afternoon and told me she wanted to go invite people to church. So we went across the street to the park where we met a lady who was there with her 3 year old daughter. After we invited them to church, I asked her if she needed prayer. She had an ace bandage wrapped around her hand and she told me I could pray for her thumb because she had broken it when she was working out.

I shared with her from Acts 10:38 and John 14:12 and then told her a testimony of when I prayed for a woman with a similar condition and she was healed. I asked if I could lay hands on her in Jesus name and she agreed. Karis and I prayed for her and then I told her to go ahead and move her thumb. When she did, she smiled really big and said the pain was gone! She said, "For real! It's all gone. I didn't know it would be instant!!" I laughed and told her that's what happens when you take God at His word! I then shared the gospel with her and she prayed with me to receive Jesus because she didn't know if she would go to heaven when she died. She was adamant that she would be at church on Sunday because they were new to the area and she wanted to meet some new people.

Karis and I continued to invite people to church and at one point, I saw her chasing a little boy with an invitation card in her hand. She invited a number of kids to go to her church right across the street! We also got to pray with another woman who was already saved, but needed a job.

I missed an opportunity at lunch today, but I wonder if I would have gone to the park if I had shared the gospel with someone at lunch. Maybe I didn't miss it at all because I believe meeting Rina at the park was a divine appointment. She knows that God's power is real and now she knows that heaven is her eternal home.

Make a divine appointment today and see how God can use you to reach people in your world! You'll be amazed at His goodness!

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