
.shockwave challenge - day 71

We took Karis to a Trunk or Treat at another church tonight and while we were in line, I saw a large group of people sitting on the curb. I walked over to them and invited them to our event tomorrow night. I offered to pray with them and then asked the million dollar question. A number of them were unsure about their eternal destination, so I shared the gospel and prayed with 6 of them to be saved. Before we prayed, I looked down and saw one lady had a brace on her foot.
I told her we would take care of that in a moment. After we said amen, I shared the truth about healing with her and prayed for her foot because she had broken two of her toes. I grabbed her by the hand and pulled her onto her feet and told her to walk in the name of Jesus. She did and said it was much better. I commanded the pain to go again and told her to stomp her foot. When she did, she was completely healed.

She told me she recognized me and asked if I had been to River Glen. I told her I had and she said she remembered me praying for her mother who had lung cancer and she was healed. I asked how she was doing and she said, "Oh, she's fine! She's in the line gettin' candy!" I laughed and said I would go find her. When i tracked her down, she told me she was feeling great and the cancer had been gone since I prayed for her. She told me she was exercising every day and felt awesome. I hugged her and told her how great it was to hear what God had been doing in her body.

What about you? Have you ever seen someone with crutches or a brace and felt like you should pray for them, but didn't? What's holding you back? You have just the thing they need. Read John 14:12 and Mark 16:18 and start doing what you were meant to do! Do it with fearless confidence!

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