
.shockwave challenge - day 44

We went to DiChicko's cafe for lunch today and while we were there, I talked to a couple looking around the store. After sharing the gospel with them, I found out they were Christians and already attended church. I encouraged them and prayed for them about their relationship.

Later, we stopped by the gas station and I saw an older gentleman working on his car. I approached and invited him to church and for the first time in over 6 weeks, someone refused my invitation card. I proceeded with the million dollar question and he ignored me. I asked him if he had a response and he told me he didn't really feel like talking. I said a blessing over him and walked away. Most Christians in this case may have pressed the issue or condemned the man for his rudeness, but that would have just made his heart harder. I believe God's goodness draws men to repentance. (Romans 2:4). I fully expect God to reveal Himself to this man!

Can you be a dispenser of God's goodness to someone today through offering them an invitation to accept Christ's free gift of salvation? I certainly plan to!

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